Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Still Thinking Naked is Normal

this is the newest piece added to my Etsy store. Check it out at Daydream Forest. Enjoy! and Support your favorite artist!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

naked is normal

just a thought, as i work on my art. Naked is normal. we are all born and we all die that way. it is a condition shared by all people everywhere all the time. we are, after all , naked under our clothes. no matter how much cloth we drape and decorate with, we just can't escape our own bodies. hate it. love it. repress it. glorify it. we just can't get away from our own bodies. so don't fret. our bodies are all naked, which is normal. and beautiful as well. You are beautiful just the way god made you.

Just a thought

Monday, July 11, 2011

check out the newest addition to my etsy store! Support your Favorite Artist!

Friday, July 8, 2011

and yet another drawing added to the collection of my drawings available to buy on Etsy. Check it out. My store is called Daydream Forest

and there is a new drawing posted over at the Etsy store, listed under daydream forest come on over, and help support your favorite artist! these drawings make great gifts.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

the store is open!

check out my etsy store. only a couple of drawings are up for sale, with more to come. support the arts, and me ;-) my store name on etsy is daydreamforest.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

something new is coming

i can feel it in the air. something new is brewing. i think this show is going to change soon.