Monday, October 19, 2009

in space...

in space..., originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

some gouache, a digital camera, photoshop, corel painter, voila!

Photo 57corel ver1

Photo 57corel ver1, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a new project i'm working on

Saturday, October 10, 2009

painted foot1 altered

painted foot1 altered, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

body painted, photographed and digitally altered.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


autoretratosepia, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

let's give him a hand folks!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

gd in feathers2

gd in feathers2, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a self portrait of georgia davis. photographed and modified in corel. the original image is used with the artist's gracious permission.


newcaveart, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

corel painter11. nothing but digital, baby!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

atoretrato de luz

atoretrato de luz, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

i did this one in corel painter essentials 3. lotsa fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009


autoretratouno, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital. artrage. yada yada...


autoretratodos, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

one of a series I'm working on. digitally created in artrage2

Saturday, February 28, 2009

you are always on my mind

you are always on my mind, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital image created in artrage2. the model is from my imagination. i love my imagination ;-)

seated clara chalk

seated clara chalk, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a little something for the art hungry masses. done digitally in artrage2. from my favorite flickr model

Sunday, February 22, 2009

from flickr2

from flickr2, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

fun with my new lightbox. from a flickr image used with the photographer's permission. 9x11 in on paper