Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Weightless, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

photo of one of my black paintings by chris slaymaker


Prayer, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

photo of my black painting by chris slaymaker

all three black paintings

all three black paintings, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

photo taken by chris slaymaker at our art show

from flickr1

from flickr1, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

pen and ink on paper 11X8 the model is from a photo on flickr used with the photographer's permission

mountain goddess

mountain goddess, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a digital painting done in art rage. the model i s a photo form flickr used with the photographer's permission

Sunday, November 16, 2008

little big rock

little big rock, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital photo taken at Evergreen -- the rock is actually 1.5 inches high


funguys2, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital photo taken at Evergreen


circle, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital photo taken at Evergreen

the waker

the waker, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

digital photo taken at Evergreen

Monday, November 10, 2008

my yantra

my yantra, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

been a while since i've posted. can ya tell i'm back in school? :-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

against herself

against herself, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

12x24 acrylic on canvas summer 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008


please, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

here is today's offering to my mass of fans who burn up the bandwidth accessing my blog :-)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

godess of many worlds

godess of many worlds, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

another ink and paper 11x19

quick sketch

quick sketch, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

11x19 ink on paper

Saturday, September 13, 2008


trippycolorstar, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a photo of my honey that i modified with paintshop

pure sweetness

pure sweetness, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

just an image from paintshop

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

figure study

figure study, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

ink on paper 11x19 Sebastian starts middle school today. how crazy is that? i love how the years crawl by and fly by at the same time. the world is a crazy place full of wonder my friend.
God is everywhere and everything is going to be ok

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

nude goddess

nude goddess, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

11x19 in on paper. thank goddess that art of book class is done daddy done!

nude goddess hallway

nude goddess hallway, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

ink on paper 11x19. today would have been mom's 62nd birthday. happy birthday mom.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

bluewood dancer1

bluewood dancer1, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

this is an older digital doodle i made from some photos i took around oly.

stupr drawing 1

stupr drawing 1, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

an ink drawing that i made this spring. i think sometime in april. anyway, enjoy.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


autoretrato , originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

something new from me to you. enjoy!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

black painting 1

black painting 1, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

a black painting executed in artrage 2

Friday, July 11, 2008

nice one

nice one, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

artrage, blah, blah, you get the picture


redone, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

artrage still rules


rose, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

artrage is the coolest program ever and the best reason to own a computer. period.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

heron at the tolmie state park

heron tolmie, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

Sebastian's class did a fun field trip to tolmie toward the end of the school year. I got to photograph this guy there. What a treat!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


mermaid, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

here's one more. a lovely composite of digital images

oregon beach

oregon beach, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

here is one i made from some photos i took in Oregon and some other images i got from the net. enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So long and thanks for all the trips

Today Albert Hoffman passed away at the age of 102. Would the world we live in be the same without his discovery? my world would probably be very different indeed. Albert, you are in my thoughts as you go on that final trip into the unknown. Maybe someday the crazy suppression of your invention will be lifted and we will all learn what to do with it. Once the box is open, trying to close it only leads to trouble. Maybe as the wheel turns we'll all get wiser about this.
Love to all of you, especially those of you who shared his 'problem child' with me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


nirvana, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

not a self portrait. I've never been able to hold my breath until i turn this shade of blue :-)

self portrait 001

self portrait 001, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

i'm made of fire

self portrait 002

self portrait 002, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

self portrait 003

self portrait 003, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

this is one of a series of self portraits I've been working on


moleskine9, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

God is everywhere and everything is going to be all right. ask me about that sometime.


moleskine10, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

moleskine self prtrait

moleskine self prtrait, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

its been a while folks-- i have been to the Netherlands and started school since my last post. so here are a few things i scanned into the computer for the enjoyment of you, my dedicated fans :-)

Monday, March 17, 2008

my muses and me

my muses and me, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

one last drawing before i go to europe. i will draw in europe but i doubt i will post any of those drawings before i come back.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

a new look

Here it is folks- i cut my hair after almost 11 years of wearing it long. Many of you probably do not remember me with short hair. Anyhow, enjoy the before and after photos.

Monday, March 10, 2008


dentata, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

11x19 in on paper. i'm afreud to say anything about this one :-)

third eye of the origin of the world

ink on paper 11x 19. Star likes the clouds in this one.

Friday, March 7, 2008

bowl goddess

bowl goddess, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

ink on paper 11x19. Oh, and the news is that i got into Evergreen and i got into Studio Projects: Painting. I'm pretty psyched.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lutus Child

OK Kyla, here's a post. This is a photo of a public sculpture here in Olympia. I played with it a bit in Paint Shop. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Five dancers

This one started life as a drawing. Ink on hemp paper 11x19. After i scanned it into my computer i played with it a little bit in Paint Shop. I daresay i rather like the results :-) There's a pretty good chance this will become an oil painting.

a tea poem

noneedforarmor, originally uploaded by dreamforestday.

11x19 ink on hemp paper
so i found this poem i really like online. If any of you kind viewers knows who to attribute this to please let me know. The drawing is of course 100% yours truly. enjoy!
Carlos Quintero